What Not To Do In Birmingham, AL
Day #42
Tripometer: 5648.8 Miles
Today I spent the morning in Birmingham. I woke up this morning and went to find someplace to eat breakfast. Well, today was Sunday, something I had not realized until it was impossible to find a restaurant, ANY restaurant that was open on Sunday morning. Actually I was the only person walking around most of the morning. It was not until after 12. Apparently I was supposed to be in church like everyone else. When I finally found an open restaurant there was no breakfast food for me, only lunch being that it was 12:30.
Selma, Alabama
Day #41
Tripometer: 5406.2 miles
Mile #5000, Tyler, AL
Today I went to Selma, Alabama. I went to the National Voting Rights Museum which did a fantastic job of telling the story of how African-Americans won the right to vote. There were many personal accounts of "Bloody Sunday" and the march to Montgomery. The people working there were great to talk to. As I drove through more of Alabama I was amazed with all of the history. It really is an incredible state. It is definitely more run-down than the north and things absolutely move slower but it has a lot of character. There were kids everywhere riding bikes and playing. In general I've found that people here are really great to talk to and extremely helpful. It's definitely a different world here but I'm enjoying my visit.
St. Petersburg
Day #39
Tripometer: 4602.7
Today I dropped Shawn off at the Tampa Airport and then drove to St. Petersburg to check out some museums there. First I went to the Florida Holocaust Museum which was really increadible. Then I went to the Salvador Dali Museum which was a lot of fun. When I was there they were giving a tour to future volunteers so I got a sort of behind the scenes tour as I was looking at the exhibits. His work is so amazing and should be checked out by anyone in St. Petersburg.
Treasure Island
Day # 37
Tripometer: 4519.5
Mile #4500, Ellenton, FL
We made it the rest of the way to Tampa and stopped at the visitor center to get some info. The guy there directed us to the beaches which were really nice. They would have been a lot nicer if it wasn't so overcast but that's ok. We found a cute little motel to stay at for the next couple of nights. It was run by an old man who has obviously been running the place for many, many years. He did everything by hand so as you can imagine it took us a while to check in. We walked around checking out the island before going out for dinner and drinks.
Florida At Last
Day #31
Tripometer: 3329.7 miles
Oil Change #1
So I've finally made it to Florida and the weather is absolutely wonderful. Today I went to the Charles Hosmer Morse Museum in Winter Park Florida. This museum contains Tiffany stain glass pieces. They were gorgeous. The detail that he was able to achieve with glass is simply amazing.
After spending a few hours in the museum I drove until I found a park by the water where I stopped, had lunch, read the local paper and went for a walk. All in all it was a good day...Until it came time to find a place to sleep for the evening. I decided to drive until I got close to Daytona Beach where I hoped I would spend the day tomorrow. Well...Someone forgot to tell me that the Daytona 500 is this weekend so there were no hotels, motels, inns or anything like that for at least 45 minutes. So I drove about an hour south and rearranged what I hoped to do tomorrow. I love flexibility.
Jekyll Island, Georgia
Day #30
Tripometer: 2979.5 Miles
Thank you Shanie and Mary for this suggestion. I went to Jekyll Island today and had a wonderful time. I woke up this morning and it was absolutely beautiful out. Unfortunately as I crossed the bridge onto Jekyll Island it became windy and overcast. Luckily I still had a great time. I took a trolley tour of the historic part of the island and learned a lot about the people who formed the Jekyll Island Club and developed the island into a winter resort. After lunch the sun came back out and I spend the afternoon walking on the beach. What a wonderful day.
Jekyll Island 

Day #20
Today Barry and I went to explore the city of Atlanta. My impression of the city is that there aren't many people who actually live in the city. We went on a tour of CNN headquarters which was really interesting. We learned a lot about the technology that is used to produce a news broadcast. We then drove to Turner Field, home of the Atlanta Braves. We didn't go in but the field looks very classy. I will definitely have to come back to catch a game. As we drove home I got to see the Olympic Torch which is still standing. The weather was incredible. I could definitely get used to this. Later I went to see my 8 year old cousin Zachary kick butt. I sat in on his karate class which was pretty incredible. I was quite impressed by his skills and will probably not mess with him again.
Looks deadly, doesn't he?