Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Ballpark #7

Day #122
Tripometer: 16046.6 miles
Mile #16000: Chicago, Illinois

Comisky Park...oh wait, everything has a corporate sponsor now US Cellular Field is not that impressive. While the White Sox are the best team in baseball right now they have a pretty dull ballpark and little fan support. After the game I went to Oak Park, a suburb just outside of Chicago where I will be staying for the next couple of days with Maya and her family. Tonight we went to a book reading by Maya's cousin's (Zayd for all those who know him) wife. She lived in China for a bunch of years and worked as a soap opera actress and wrote about her experience. The book is called Foreign Babes in Beijing. I recommend it. I haven't read it but I definitely plan to.

US Cellular Field


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