By The Numbers...
Total days: 128
Total miles: 17094.7
Total states traveled: 31 + District of Columbia...New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Washington D.C., West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania
Oil changes: 4
Speeding tickets: 1
Accidents: 0
Visitors: 4...Shawn, mom, Jen, and Madeleine
People visited: 24...Jen, Shawn, Lesley + Deran, The Phillips (Barry, Therese, Zchary and Charlotte), The Lentz (Aunt Sandy, Uncle Steve, Katherine and Michael), The Goldsteins (Lisa, Sam and Noah), Ian + Marita, The Elstons (Uncle Rog, Aunt Tana, Polly), The Minters (Judi, John, Maya and Dede)
Lesson learned: countless
Some final thoughts:
This is a truly beautiful country. If you ever get the opportunity to see it all go for it. You will be amazed at the similarities and differences that exists within our country. I think I have a better understanding of what it means to be American. Every state and every city in this country has a history and a story. When given the opportunity residents want to do nothing more than tell their story.
There are so many amazing people in this country. I’ve definitely learned to relax more when meeting new people. I’ve learned that more often than not people can be trusted. I made a lot of new friends on this trip that I will hopefully continue to keep in touch with.
While the core of who I am is still the same but I have learned so much about myself. I am more comfortable with who I am. I am more confident. I mean if I can make it 5 months on the road by myself, what can’t I do?
There are so many places that I visited that I absolutely have to go back to and places that I didn’t get to see that I absolutely want to visit. This of course means that at some point I’m going to have to get over my fear of flying. I’ll get there.
Before I left on my trip various people had some predictions. My grandmother decided that I would meet the man of my dreams while my mother was convinced that I would find the place that I want live. Well grandma wasn’t right but mom was. One of the most important things that I learned on this trip was that I want to be where my family and friends are.
So my trip is over and it’s time for me to enter the real world. Time to get a job and find a place to live. But first things first…time to talk to and see everyone that I have missed so much the past 5 months.
What A Long Strange Trip It’s Been
Day #128
Tripometer: 17094.7
Mile #17000: Tannerville, Pennsylvania
I’m home!! The drive home was so long. My drive today was a relatively short one, only 4 hours but it felt like so much longer. Something I’ve noticed on my trip is that the long drives are harder than the short ones. On the shorter drives I tend to count miles and exits. My mom, dad and I all got home within a few minutes of each other which was really, really nice. I got a quick tour of the house so that I could see al of the work they had done since I left. It looks great. We had lunch and caught up on a little. It’s a little strange being home but mostly it’s really wonderful. I'm so greatful to have had the opportunity to go on such a journey. In a lot of ways I still can't believe I did it. Even more though, I can't believe it's over.
Farewell Chicago…I’ll Definitely Be Back
Day # 125
Tripometer: 16382.1 miles
Today I left Chicago (sad face). It was great to see Maya and her sister Dede and I’m so glad I only have to wait a month before I get to see them again. Chicago is a fabulous city. I’m definitely going to have to come back. Hopefully Maya and her family will let me come visit them again. Unfortunately I didn’t get to Wrigley Field to see a Cubs game. That will have to wait until the next visit. On my way to Detroit (where I am now) I drove a little out of the way and drove down Lakeshore Drive, down the coast of Lake Michigan. It was a beautiful day and therefore a wonderful drive.
Ballpark #7
Day #122
Tripometer: 16046.6 miles
Mile #16000: Chicago, Illinois
Comisky Park...oh wait, everything has a corporate sponsor now US Cellular Field is not that impressive. While the White Sox are the best team in baseball right now they have a pretty dull ballpark and little fan support. After the game I went to Oak Park, a suburb just outside of Chicago where I will be staying for the next couple of days with Maya and her family. Tonight we went to a book reading by Maya's cousin's (Zayd for all those who know him) wife. She lived in China for a bunch of years and worked as a soap opera actress and wrote about her experience. The book is called Foreign Babes in Beijing. I recommend it. I haven't read it but I definitely plan to.
US Cellular Field

A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush
Day #119
Tripometer: 15425.9 miles
What are two birds in the car worth? Nothing...they're dead. On my way to Minneapolis two birds just flew into the front of my car. It was really sad. I'm not sure why they were flying so low and why they didn't get out of the way but there was nothing I could do about it. It scared me a lot. They made kind of a loud noise.
On to the ballgame. I went to the Twins game today. I've don't like games in a dome. I know that the field is comparable in size to all of the other major league fields but it felt and looked A LOT smaller. It was definitely a strange environment to see a game. Maybe it would have been better if there were actually some people at the game.