Sunday, May 08, 2005

A Detour That Was Well Worth It

Day #112
Tripometer: 12792.5 miles

I really wanted to go to Grand Teton Nation Park. Unfortunately, since the road that connects Yellowstone to Grand Teton was closed for the winter I had to take a little detour, a 4 hour drive instead of a 2 hour drive. Oh well, I’ve got time. The Tetons are the youngest of the Rocky Mountains, which means that compared to the rest of the Rocky Mountains they are not very big. However it also means that they are much more jagged because there has not been as much time for erosion to take place. A lot of the trails were closed here too but I did get to do some hiking. One thing I didn’t get to do that I REALLY wanted to do was see a moose. I even asked a ranger when and where I should go to increase my chances of seeing one and I was unsuccessful. Oh well, can’t have everything.

Baby Rockies

Jenny Lake



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