Saturday, March 05, 2005

The Garden District

Day #48
Tripometer: 6155.2 miles
Oil Change #2


Today I went on a tour of the Garden District. This is also and old part of the city but it is more American than French or Spanish. I saw some very incredible houses and learned that a lot of famous people have lived there at some point in their life (Cokie Roberts (politics), The Mannings (football) and someone from Nine Inch Nails (music). The tour guide was a wacko. He has lived in New Orleans his entire life and was once a police officer so he had some very funny stories to tell in between telling us about the architecture.

Pretty Houses

The Mannings' House


At 4:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sometimes... i forget that you have an online journal for your trip. then i google myself (cause i am SO COOL like that) and my name comes up because you wrote happy birthday to me in your blog. then i get amazingly happy (and feel a bit like a loser too cause, what the hell am i doing?) anyway, you're the best. i hope all is well. i love you lotss.

At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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