Sunday, January 23, 2005

Harper's Ferry

Day #7
Tripometer 448.2 miles
State: West Virginia
Capital: Charleston

Today was a wonderful day. I drove to Harper’s Ferry, WV and spent the entire day walking around. The town of Harper’s Ferry is where the Potomaic and Shenandoah Rivers meet. As you can imagine the scenery was absolutely amazing. Harper’s Ferry is the known as the town that John Brown led an unsuccessful raid in an attempt to free slaves that resided there. He was captured and later hanged. The town of Harper’s Ferry is a combination of a modern town and a National Park. The national park has restored some buildings and developed many little museums. There are some museums dedicated to telling the story of the town. Other museums are dedicated to the history of African-Americans in West Virginia and specifically in Harper’s Ferry. Other museums describe John Brown’s raid.

Where the Potomaic and the Shenandoah Rivers meet Posted by Hello


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